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The Most Reliable Electric Scooters

2 June 2022

When it comes to finding the best electric scooter for your needs, reliability should be a defining factor.

It’s incredible to think that electric scooters weren’t around a few years ago – because they’re a part of everyday life now.

Not only do they offer commuters convenience, but they’re also an environmentally friendly solution – which is essential in today’s carbon-conscious society.

Electric scooters are legal in many countries, but you can only use models from scooter-sharing companies on public roads in the UK.

However, due to their popularity and many benefits, it’s a near certainty that the UK will update its laws, and private electric scooters will become legal.

When it comes to finding the best electric scooter for your needs, reliability should be a defining factor.

Most e-scooters are an investment, and the last thing you want is to spend a lot of money only to find out it breaks after a year.

With that in mind, this post is all about the most reliable electric scooters around. The team here have tried and tested many models in our time, and we’re about to reveal the ones that truly stand the test of time.

Ready to find out where you should put your money? Let’s go.

Why Does Reliability Matter?

Electric scooters have come a long way in the last couple of years, and advances in technology mean that they will continue to get more reliable.

However, while non-motorised scooters are more for recreational use, electric scooters provide safety and security – not just for the rider – but for other road users.

When purchasing an e-scooter, reliability matters because you need to know that you’re going to be safe.

The last thing anyone wants is riding on a road, only for their scooter to stop working. Not only does it put you at risk, but it can also create accidents – especially on main roads.

The Best Electric Scooters Summary

Scooter  Best For
Segway Ninebot Max  Long distance riding 
Xioami M365 Pro Proven reliability
EMove Cruiser Waterproof Features
Glion Dolly  Convenience
Dualtron 2  Powerful 
Inokim OX  High-End Budgets 
Zero 8X Climbing Hills 
NanRobot D5+ All Terrain Riding

Segway Ninebot Max

Speed 18.6 MPH
Range 40 Miles
Wheel Size  10 Inch
Charge Time  6 Hours 
Best For Long Distance Riding 

Ninebot Segway Kickscooter Max standing upright

One of the most critical factors in finding a reliable electric scooter is its range.

The last thing anyone wants is to be cruising along, only to find that the battery runs out. Well, that’s one thing you won’t have to worry about with the Segway Ninebot Max because it packs a real punch when it comes to range.

With 40 miles of battery life, you can get a good few days out of this beast – especially if you’re using it for short-distance commutes. But that’s not all; the scooter only takes 6 hours for a full charge but offers nearly double the range of other scooters.

Other features include 10-inch inflatable tyres, making going up hills a breeze, and a 350-watt motor. There’s also a loud bell, which lets other road users know you’re near, so overall, this electric scooter delivers a great experience.

Not only is it highly reliable, but the sleek design makes this scooter a joy to use. Are there any drawbacks to the Segway Ninebot Max? Well, it’s heavy – but most of the weight is due to the superior battery.

Xiaomi M365 Pro

Speed 15.5 MPH
Range 28 Miles
Wheel Size  8.5 Inch
Charge Time  8.5 Hours 
Best For

Reassurance (This scooter has been tested lots of time)

Xiaomi M365 Pro




The Xiaomi M365 Pro is one of the most reliable electric scooters around. Why? Because no e-scooter has been tested as many times as this one. It’s really been put through its paces, so if you’re looking for a reliable model that won’t let you down, the M65 Pro is probably one of the safer options.

As the younger, sleeker sibling of the M365, this e-scooter packs a host of valuable features, including a range of 28 miles, which might not be as much as the Segway Ninebot. Still, it’s lighter in design, so if you want to avoid a heavy electric scooter, this could be ideal.

Although there are many unique features, the 365 Pro has its disadvantages. It has a charge time of 8.5 hours, which is a bit excessive, but if you’re happy to charge the scooter overnight, it won’t be much of an issue.

Overall, the sleek design and functional features of this scooter stand out, and with so many people testing it (including us), we can safely say that it won’t let you down. So, if you’re in the market for a reasonably priced scooter that will serve you well, you might want to get to know the Xioami M365 better.

EMove Cruiser

Speed 28 MPH
Range 62 Miles
Wheel Size  10 Inch
Charge Time  9 Hours 
Best For Long range riding, Waterproof Rating

E move cruiser

If you’re not familiar with the EMove Cruiser, then where have you been?! It’s without a doubt one of the most exciting electric scooters to come to the market in a long time, and EMove is an electric scooter brand that’s making big waves in the industry. We just love how many features this fabulous model offers.

With an impressive range of 62 miles, commuters can get a lot of use out of one charge, and once e-scooters become legal on public roads, that kind of range will be perfect for travelling.

Few scooters can match this impressive range, and the charge time of 9 hours might seem a lot, but considering the usage you get from one charge, it’s very impressive.

But what else makes this beast stand out?

Well, the waterproof rating is probably the best feature because the EMove Cruiser comes with an IPX6 (ingress protection) rating, which is significantly higher than other ‘waterproof’ scooters around.

While no scooter is fully waterproof, this rating means you won’t have to worry about riding in the rain, and it’s also resistant against strong jets of water. Overall, the EMove Cruiser offers a lot of conveniences, and if you live in a place that’s susceptible to rain, this model won’t let you down.

You should be aware of the scooter’s weight of 52lbs. As one of the heavier models, it’s really the only disadvantage – but apart from this one drawback, you’ll love riding the EMove Cruiser.

It’s just so reliable, and it could be the ultimate electric scooter for you.

Glion Dolly

Speed 15.5 MPH
Range 15 Miles
Wheel Size  8 Inch
Charge Time  3.5 Hours 
Best For Convenience 

Glion Dolly Model 225 scooter




Let’s face it; not everyone wants a long-distance electric scooter, and this is where the Glion Dolly comes in. It’s a budget electric scooter and one of the cheapest you can find for what it offers.

If you’re looking for a scooter that provides you with a decent range and speed that will get you from A to B, the Glion Dolly is an excellent choice. It might only offer 15 miles of range and 15.5 miles per hour in speed, but that’s not an issue for casual users or people with a short commute.

The charge time of just 3.5 hours is relatively short, but it’s important to remember that this scooter isn’t meant to be for long rides – so it’s the perfect middle of the road model.

Better still, the average reviews equate to 4.3 stars out of 5, so if you’re on a budget, we highly recommend this e-scooter.


Dualtron 2

Speed 40 MPH
Range 50 Miles
Wheel Size  10 Inch
Charge Time  16 Hours 
Best For Power 

Dualtron Ultra 2 electric scooter standing up

The Dualtron 2 has built quite the reputation among electric scooter enthusiasts – and for a good reason! Its impressive speed of 40 MPH is ideal if you enjoy off-road riding because it certainly packs a lot of power.

It also has an impressive range of 50 miles, so you won’t need to worry about charging it every day. The manufacturer is renowned for its powerful, high-speed scooters, but they designed the Dualtron 2 as an everyday kind of scooter – which means it’s a much lower price.

You’ll still need to be willing to invest in this model, though, as it doesn’t come cheap at around £1500/$2000. However, it’s a worthy investment because this e-scooter won’t let you down at all.

The Dualtron 2 also brings a lot to the table in terms of style, with a sleek design perfect for people who love to make a subtle impression. In our opinion, it’s the Mercedes of the e-scooter world, and commuters will love riding into the office in style.

Other features include an IP54 rating and 25-degree climbing capabilities – but there are two downsides. One is the charging time, and the other is the scooter’s weight.

If you want to charge the scooter to its maximum range, you’ll need around 16 hours – but as there are 50 miles of usage, the average person will get a lot of use between charges.

It’s also not the kind of scooter you can pick up and carry around – at a weight of 57lbs, it’s not exactly a compact model, but for everything the Dualtron 2 offers, you’ll get a lot for your money.

Inokim OX

Speed 28 MPH
Range 37 Miles
Wheel Size  10 Inch
Charge Time  8 Hours 
Best For High-End Splurges  

Inokim Oxo

If there’s one stand out feature of Inokim e-scooters, it’s their stunning designs. Both sleek and unique in style, the Inokim OX, packs a real punch and let’s face it, looks do matter. The manufacturer focuses on high-end designs, which many electric scooter brands fail to do.

Inokim is all about usability – and that results in the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetic appeal. But do the OX’s specs match its style? Let’s find out.

With a range of 37 miles, this scooter will serve the average commuter well, and it’s excellent for travelling. While the range isn’t as high as other models, it’s certainly not going to let you down on longer journeys.

You can also benefit from a speed of 28 MPH and a charge time of just eight hours. Overall the Inokim OX is an excellent choice if you want a high-performance scooter but don’t compromise on style.

It’s pricey but completely worth it, and you can rest assured that this e-scooter will last a long time. We like to think of the Inokim OX as one of the best adult electric scooters because it looks so good – but we’ll let you be the judge of that for yourself.

Zero 8X

Speed 35 MPH
Range 50 Miles
Wheel Size  8 Inch
Charge Time  7 Hours 
Best For Climbing 

Zero 8X

One of the first things you’ll notice about the Zero 8X e-scooter is its reasonable price – especially considering how much it offers.

For example, the scooter is much cheaper than other high-end models, yet it provides a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour and an impressive 50-mile range.

With only seven hours of charge time required, you can quickly leave it plugged in overnight and get a few days of use if you have a longer commute.

Perhaps the most prominent stand out feature of the Zero 8X is its hill climbing ability – which is ideal if working up a sweat on the way to work isn’t your thing.

If you’re looking for a sleek model, then the Zero 8X probably isn’t for you. Essentially, it’s a power scooter and displays its purpose with the more robust, sturdier design – but the scooter is perfect for people that like to make a statement.

NanRobot D5+

Speed 40 MPH
Range 40-50 Miles
Wheel Size  10 Inch
Charge Time  10 Hours 
Best For All Terrain Usage

Nanrobot D5+

If you’re going to invest in an electric scooter with impressive speed and range, you will need to spend a lot of money – but the NanRobot D5+ is one of the more cost-effective premium e-scooters available.

At a price of around £1500, it’s not cheap – but compared to other models that offer the same features, you’re getting a great deal. With a max speed of 40 miles per hour and a range of 40 – 50 miles, you get a lot of bang for your buck.

The main reason the range is variable is that it depends on the terrain you typically ride on. Urban areas have a higher range because there are fewer hills to navigate, but this is the scooter for you if you’d like some flexibility.

Overall, the NanRobot D5+ is excellent for everyday use, and its disadvantage is probably its aesthetic appeal. Let’s get one thing clear, it’s not ugly by any means, but it does lack the sleekness of Inokim and the quad bike aesthetics of power scooters.

Things to Consider Before Choosing The Best Electric Scooter For You

You might have an idea about which of the above e-scooters suit your needs, but there’s a lot to consider before making a choice. This section will discuss each element of an electric scooter that makes it reliable.

For example, an electric scooter might look great but perform terribly. While looks are important, reliability should be the defining factor of your decision.

Our choices for the best e-scooters are based on the following factors:

  • The Battery
  • Top Speed
  • Ingress Protection Rating

The Battery

The battery is an essential element of your electric scooter, as it keeps the scooter moving and ensures you get a good range on every charge.

Most batteries should last a minimum of three years, and the scooter manufacturer cannot control the batteries lifespan, but they should choose to use a reliable one.

If you want to prolong your battery life, it’s essential to charge it regularly and avoid letting the battery drain. Most manufacturers will advise how long your battery should last and be willing to replace it if there’s a fault, but it’s your job to take care of it properly.

The battery capacity influences the range, but it’s not always beneficial to have a scooter with a large battery capacity if you won’t use it for longer journeys. It’s crucial to think about how you intend to use the scooter before making a final decision.

Top Speed/Motor Power

Motors are another vital component of an electric scooter, and the more power your motor has, the more powerful the scooter will be in general.

For example, a 250 Watt motor can be OK, but it’s unpredictable, but a 1600 Watt motor will offer a lot more power and speed.

We’d always recommend going for a higher wattage because it will last longer and is better for people that aren’t necessarily accustomed to electric scooters and their intricate elements.

If you’re wondering which motor is suitable for you, here are the speeds each size typically generates:

250 Watt – Top speeds of 15 Mph

350 Watt – Speeds of 15 – 22 Mph

500 Watt – Most scooters will have a top speed of around 25 Mph, but others might go up to 38 Mph

A higher power motor can provide more speed, suitable for off-road riding, but there are strict speed limits for public riding, so you can save money by getting a scooter with a less powerful motor.

IP Rating

Ingress Protection (IP) ratings classify an object’s protection against water and dust.

The IP rating is composed of two numbers. The first number indicates how protected the object is against solid objects, and the second number indicates how protected it is against liquids.

While it can be beneficial to have a decent solid material IP rating, protection against liquids is more important.

Most electric scooters on this list have a minimum rating of an IP54, but some have extra protection, such as the EMove Cruiser, which has a waterproof rating of IPX6.

If you plan on riding your scooter in the rain, it’s advisable to look for a high IP rating, but no e-scooter is entirely waterproof, so it’s more a matter of using your common sense.

Try to avoid using your scooter in heavy rain, and make yourself aware of the manufacturer guidelines, because this will protect you from voiding your warranty.

The Materials

Most electric scooters tend to be made of aluminium alloy, an industrial-grade material – which is a popular choice because it’s lightweight but extremely tough.

If a scooter has brittle materials such as plastic, it can be less durable – so it’s best to invest in a scooter with aluminium alloy.

Some manufacturers are also turning to carbon fibre as it’s a superior material to aluminium alloy. Still, while it might improve the ride quality, carbon fibre is more expensive, so you might be best with aluminium, which still offers many benefits.

Does Weight Matter?

The weight of your scooter defines how well you’ll be able to navigate rugged terrain.

Heavier scooters will offer a smoother ride quality, but they’re also more challenging to move around, which can be challenging for commuters.

Lightweight scooters are easier to move, but they’re also more susceptible to vibrations when going over bumps.

The good thing is that some lightweight scooters compensate for this by incorporating shock absorbers and dual suspension into the design, which absorbs a lot of the vibrations, so you can still travel at high speeds without feeling the effect.

The Overall Design Of Your Electric Scooter

Every tiny element contributes to the overall quality of your entire scooter, and there are many things to consider. It’s easy to get distracted by a sleek frame and shiny wheels, but each bolt and nut will keep your scooter together and protect it in the long term.

Make sure you look at each element of the scooter before deciding. As the e-scooters on this list are all reliable, they’ll stand the test of time and won’t let you down.

Choosing a budget e-scooter might seem like a good idea, but these models are often made with cheap materials, and you might have to replace them sooner than you want.

Rubber or Pneumatic Tyres?

Your electric scooter’s wheels are essential, but tyre material is more important than size. Most wheels are made of solid rubber, or they’re pneumatic.

Solid rubber wheels are less prone to punctures at can withstand a lot of pressure, but pneumatic tyres provide better front and rear suspension. It’s really up to you, but we’d recommend you think about what you’ll use the electric scooter for.

However, while pneumatic tyres provide a better riding experience, they also require a lot of maintenance, which can be too demanding for some people. Ultimately, it’s your choice, but as both offer so many advantages, it’s best to make your decision upon which provides more convenience.


Budget matters, and there’s no point spending a fortune on a high-end scooter if you don’t need it. Similarly, you shouldn’t choose the cheapest electric scooter you find unless it offers the features you need.

Instead, try to look at which scooter matches your needs because it will last longer, and you won’t need an upgrade. An entry-level electric scooter can be beneficial, but as the UK laws are set to move from private land to public roads, it’s best to choose the model you’ll be comfortable with.

Final Thoughts

When the UK makes private electric scooters legal, you’ll have a choice of excellent models that you can use to commute or get from A to B without relying on walking or public transport.

Both easier to use and lighter than an electric bike, the e-scooter is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation taking over the world.

Now you know which models offer the most reliability, you can find the best e-scooter for your needs. We regularly review a great range of scooters, so you can get the low down on each model the e-scooter market is offering.

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