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How to Protect Your Scooter from Water Damage

Nely Hayes
19 August 2021

While many manufacturers add features to make their electric scooters waterproof, you should still do your best to protect yourself from the elements.

In this post, we’ll look at how to protect your scooter frame and components from wet conditions.

People across the UK have embraced electric scooters for their convenience and cost-effective qualities.

Not only that, but scooters are ideal for commuters – with speeds of up to 20mph with premium models and 15mph for most electric scooters.

Unfortunately, as we British well know – the weather very rarely does us any favours.

The UK is known for its unpredictable weather, and if you own an electric scooter, you’ll likely use it in the rain.

The Importance of Waterproofing Your Electric Scooter

electric scooters wheel water drops

Living in the UK means you’ll need to waterproof your scooter – especially if you want it to last a long time.

Two significant parts of your scooter that are most susceptible to damage are the frame and electrical components.

Electrics and water are a match made in hell, and when they become damaged, you’ll need to carry out repairs at the very least. In worst-case scenarios, you might have to replace all electrical components or purchase a new scooter.

The frame of your scooter is susceptible to water damage too, and it will corrode and cause long-term issues with rust.

Luckily, there are plenty of helpful tips available to help you protect your means of transportation and enjoying smooth sailing – or scooting.

What’s in an IP Rating?

Most electric scooters have an IP rating, which will enable you to take precautions based on how well your model protects itself against water. You can find the IP rating in your manual, but scooters with low ratings will have few waterproofing features.

The higher the rating, the more waterproof it is – but here’s where it gets complicated. You’ll need to pay special attention to the second number, which usually ranges from between 1-6 and above.

For example, a scooter with an IP rating of IP52 means that while there are some waterproof features, they’re minimal. Anything with IP56 and above will be state of the art, but that comes at a price.

Ideally, you should try to find an IP54 electric scooter, but if you are on a budget, there are many ways to protect your scooter and make it last for a long time.

Soon, we’ll take a look at them.

But before we do, let’s do a quick recap of the essential parts that make up the average electric scooter.

There are many parts, but the most important ones include:


Brakes are essential for safety – especially when electrics are involved. Most modern e-scooters have two systems, one electrical and one mechanical. You’ll need to monitor the system and ensure the brake pads remain in working order.



Scooters have battery packs that comprise multiple cells, and they’re essential for powering the electric motor. The stronger the battery power, the more powerful your scooter will be.


Most scooters have one motor, but high-end models will have two. They’re built into the wheel hubs and serve as kick start mechanisms.


Most decks have some form of grip to ensure you can be stable while riding the scooter. It’s essential in wet weather conditions because even a few raindrops can create a slippery surface.


Mechanical scooters have handlebars to aid in steering, while electronic scooters have essential controls such as the speed settings, brakes and accelerator.


Your tyres are essential for riding a scooter. As with any mode of transport, you should maintain the correct tyre pressure to ensure complete safety.


The metal tube connecting the handlebars and front wheels is also known as the stem. It’s this component that enables you to fold the electric scooter correctly.


Suspension enables a vehicle to absorb bumps and pressure, so it might surprise you to learn that many electric scooters don’t have built-in suspension – although premium models do.


LED lighting is the best way to ensure you can see at night – and others can see you. Most riders buy powerful lights because the average electronic scooter doesn’t offer the brightness suitable for riding in the dark.

electric scooters

You don’t need to invest a lot of time and money in protecting your scooter. These tips will help you perform light maintenance and ensure your scooter lasts.

Stop Folding a Wet Scooter

One of the best things about electric scooters is how easy they are to transport.

You can fold them when you don’t need them and carry them around. However, folding a wet scooter can lead to water damage.

If you’ve ever folded a scooter, you’ll notice the handlebar stem becomes higher than the actual handlebars. Wet scooters will inevitably drip water onto the throttle or LED screen, which can cause long term damage.


Folding a wet scooter can lead to water damage.

Dry Your Scooter After Use

If you’re on the move, carry a cloth with you so you can wipe off any excess water.

This will protect your scooter and provides a cost-effective solution to ensuring moisture doesn’t get to outstay its welcome.

Microfibre cloths are handy, but paper towels will work too.

Many people believe that a hairdresser is ideal for drying off their scooter, but the mechanisms work by blowing air onto water, which might push it into your electrical components.

Wet-dry vacuum cleaners will also work, so if you have access to one, you should use it when you’re at home.

Drying your scooter will prolong its lifespan, and taking a couple of minutes out of your day could be the difference between enjoying your scooter for years to come or finding yourself with a hefty repair bill.

Drying your scooter will prolong its lifespan.

Tape Up The Deck & Charging Port

Duct tape is cheap, easy and it might just save your scooter.

As long as you avoid the electrical components, you’ll still be able to use your warranty if needed.

Duct tape will protect your deck from water damage, and strong holding tape will provide long-term support.

The last thing you want is to try to charge your electric scooter and find it won’t work.

The charging port is one of the essential aspects of running a scooter, so it’s always helpful to tape up the port in bad weather.

Duct tape will protect your deck from water damage.

Buy a Water-Resistant Cover

Waterproof covers are relatively inexpensive, and you can use them to cover your scooter if you leave them outside.

We advise you not to do this if possible because any electrical equipment is best in a safe and dry place.

If you decide to use a waterproof cover, it won’t be effective while you’re scooting along, and it might cause an accident.

Avoid Bad Weather

It’s obvious, right? If you want to protect your scooter, then don’t use it in the rain.

But this is the UK, not California, and we all know that good weather is a rarity. However, you can look at the weather forecast to get an idea of heavy rain and use an alternative means of transport.

If you don’t have the option of a car or a reliable bus line, you can pay extra attention to waterproofing the electrical components.

Try To Avoid Accidents

Electric scooters are very reliable, but if you have an accident in the rain, it can harm you and the scooter.

While you can’t avoid accidents altogether, you will be able to protect yourself more if you wear protective clothing.

The right shoes will stop you from slipping, and gloves with grips will ensure you don’t lose control of the handlebars.

Comfort is key here, and many people find the rain distracting, so take the proper precautions, and you’ll be a lot safer on the road.

Use them to cover your scooter if you leave it outside.

Pay attention to waterproofing the electrical components.
Wear protective clothing.

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Advanced Waterproofing Techniques

scooters trial london

If you’re experiencing medium rain or heavy rain, you should think about making some modifications to your scooter. While most of the techniques above offer limited protection, you could use these advanced modifications to promote safe riding.

Some techniques involve working with electrics, so it’s important to remember that common sense goes a long way. As long as you’re extra careful, you should have no problem implementing these modifications. 


Use O-Rings Around Holes

Many people have an electric scooter with holes for the wires to go through, but this, of course, can cause issues with water causing potential damage to your electrics. If you’re able to open the scooter deck, you can disassemble the components, then place the o-rings onto the holes.

Once the wires are secured into place, you can then replace the screw. Doing this will provide moisture protection, but you must read the user manual and make sure everything is in its rightful place. 


Add Protection to the Screen, Throttle and Power

Protecting the power button and screen is essential if you plan to ride in rainy conditions, and there are two ways to do it.

One is by placing adhesive tape over the button, which provides excellent value but isn’t the most effective for ease of operation.

The better solution is to use a transparent cover, which will allow you to see the power button and minimise the damage caused by rain. 

Most throttles have water-resistant features, but the rare few with low IP ratings can impact your daily commute. The most effective solution is to replace your throttle with one of better quality, but if money is an issue, then wrapping a balloon around the throttle will be an effective short-term fix.


Waterproof the Connectors

One of the weakest points on any electric scooter is the connectors – especially when they’re at risk of water damage. The best method to give your connectors extra protection is by using a silicone-based solution.

All you need to do is find some silicone solution, open the deck, apply it and leave it to dry overnight (ideally, you should wait for at least 12 hours).


Add Some Length to the Mudguard

Let’s start by saying one thing; mudguards are ideal for riding in the rain or snow. But many manufacturers make them shorter than they need to, resulting in sprays from the rain, snow, or mud.

If you’d like to avoid turning up to work with muddy trousers, you can use duct tape to extend the mudguard.

Not only is duct tape stronger, but it’s a cheap solution that pretty much anyone can afford. Once you know your clothes will be protected, you’ll be able to concentrate on riding in potentially dangerous conditions.


Prep Your Motor Axles

Adding some thick grease to your motor wheel axle is a simple way to perform essential maintenance to enhance your electric scooter’s performance.

Last Resort: Waterproofing Your Electronics

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We cannot stress enough that you must know what you’re doing before you start playing around with your scooters electronics. The scooter is a complex system, and you can do more harm than good if you’re not sure about how each component works.

While some people use silicone coating on their electronics deck, it can be risky, and most warranty providers will refuse to pay out any money if something goes wrong.

Instead, it would be best to use all of the above tips before you attempt to waterproof an electronic device. Making your scooter as water-resistant as possible might seem like a good idea, but it will be costly to repair if you damage the electric motor and other components.

Final Thoughts

Before you think about choosing to waterproof your electric scooter, you should always make sure you select the best waterproofing level (IP rating) that suits your budget and operational requirements.

Strong water-resistant features mean there will be less work for you to manage, and you can enjoy using your scooter.

If you need to perform some basic waterproofing functions, following the tips above will ensure your e-scooter is protected in wet weather and snow.

Most importantly, enjoy the convenience electric scooters offer! If maintaining a car is too costly, and your idea of a nightmare is battling your way through the crowds to access public transport, then the e-scooter could prove to be the ride of your dreams.


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