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Top Accessories Your Child Needs When Using An Electric Scooter

Nely Hayes
13 November 2021

If your kid is school-going age, then I’m sure you have noticed that electric scooters are all the hype. 

If you want your child to get more fresh air and plenty of exercise, then one of the best things to get them is an electric scooter.

If they already have one, then don’t forget about the protective gear and electric scooter accessories. 

Every time your child rides a bike, electric scooter or skateboard, or puts on roller skates or anything else with wheels, they should wear a helmet and safety gear.



Although it’s not a legal requirement in the UK, it’s a sensible precaution to take that will protect young heads from injuries and give you some peace of mind.

But just because they should wear a helmet, it doesn’t mean that children will want to wear one.

Itchy heads and tight straps are common when kids wear ill-fitting helmets or ones they don’t think look fun.

Overcome their resistance by choosing a helmet that not only fits well but also looks great and meets the relevant safety requirements.

Remember, helmets aren’t the only safety accessory; knee and elbow pads, high visibility vests and lights are all essential accessories that add value and can keep your child safe when riding an e-scooter.

    What to look for when buying an electric scooter helmet

    Safety first  

    While helmets aren’t compulsory, they still need to meet relevant UK safety standards.

    The safety standards were updated in 2012 to create EN 1078 to cover all cycling, skateboarding and roller skating helmets.

    BS EN 1080 was then created in 2013 for helmets worn by young children to factor in risks of strangulation by straps and fastening devices. All helmets should have a quick-release system, as well as construction and shock absorption.

    All kids’ bike helmets sold in the UK should meet these safety standards and should clearly state so – look out for the BSI Kitemark and CE mark on labels on or attached to the helmet.


    When it comes to ensuring children will wear a helmet, comfort is key.

    Lightweight helmets are a must, given how quickly heavier ones will become uncomfortable.

    Look for a ring adjuster and webbing inside to ensure a snug fit whilst allowing room for heads to grow. Other features that increase comfort include air vents, which will help keep your child’s head cool, and extra padding for cushioning.

    Returns policy 

    The best place to buy your child’s helmet is your local bike shop, where you and your child can benefit from expert advice and professional fitting. If you do buy online, ensure you know the returns policy for helmets.

    While most online retailers will accept returns of unused helmets that still have their tags and packaging intact, some stores won’t because of the risk that the helmet may have been dropped or damaged since leaving the shop.

    Since a bike helmet is a piece of safety equipment, knocks or drops might not be obvious but can reduce the helmet’s ability to protect the wearer’s head.

    Don’t buy second-hand 

    We all love hand-me-downs and preloved kids gear, but some things are always worth buying brand-new, and helmets are one of them.

    Second-hand helmets may have sustained damage that cannot be seen and might not meet current safety standards, so it’s best to buy new ones.

    How to fit your child’s helmet correctly

    Getting the right size is vital, as is ensuring the helmet is positioned correctly on your child’s head because even the most robust helmet won’t protect your child’s head if it doesn’t fit well.

    How to get the correct measurement 

    Don’t just guess your child’s head size based on their age – helmets are sized according to a head circumference range.

    To work out which size helmet your child will need, first measure your child’s head.

    Use a soft tape measure, and measure around the widest part of your child’s head, beginning at their forehead – 2 adult fingers’ width above their eyebrow and ears.

    If you don’t have a soft tape measure, use the length of the string, then measure it against a ruler. Use the circumference to determine the best size of helmet for your child.

    And if your child is between sizes? 

    If your child is currently on the cusp of 2 sizes, we recommend sizing down for safety reasons.

    A too-small helmet may be a little bit uncomfortable, but a helmet that’s too large won’t protect their head correctly. Don’t be tempted to buy a helmet they can grow into.

    How to position your child’s helmet correctly

    The helmet needs to be flat over the top of the head, covering your child’s forehead but not their view.

    Place two adult fingers horizontally just above the eyebrows – the space above should be where the helmet sits on the forehead.

    How to adjust the chinstrap

    The long straps that hang either side of your child’s face are the adjustor or chinstraps.

    Clipped together, they should like flat against the head, forming a ‘Y’ at each earlobe. You should be able to fit one finger between your child’s chin and the buckle of the chinstrap. It should be tight but comfortable enough to ride with.

    When to replace an e-scooter helmet

    Most experts agree that a helmet should be replaced 3-5 years after purchase.

    Even if your helmet has never been involved in a crash or accident, as the materials in the helmet begin to degrade after use from that three-year mark slowly, and its safety cannot be guaranteed entirely after that.

    If your helmet has been involved in a crash, replace it immediately.

    Our pick of the best kids electric scooter helmets

    Depositphotos 465796474 L min

    Giro Scamp Helmet- best all-round helmet

    The Scamp has an impressive resume built with lightweight, moulded construction, compact design, a dial-adjust system, and optional MIPS technology to help minimise impacts at sharp angles, making it one of our best bike helmets.

    Usually, MIPS certified helmets can be expensive, but the Scamp is affordable.

    Scamp is great because it’s lightweight, comfortable, and less bulky than most other helmets, and to top it all; it comes in really small sizes, perfect for kids.

    Schwinn Thrasher bike helmet – most popular

    The Schwinn Thrasher is the most highly reviewed kids’ bike helmet on Amazon. With over 19,000 reviews, parents have sung its praises for protecting their kids from serious injuries.

    The budget-friendly Thrasher helmet offers many features- an adjustable rear dial system, 20 vents for airflow, and a range of colours and patterns, like black, pink, camo, and flames.

    Its lightweight, with adjustable straps, comes in 3 sizes – child, youth and adult, and fits head circumferences between 50 to 61 centimetres, or 19.6 to 24 inches. A good buy for kids who love electric scooters.

    Thousand Junior kids – dual certified

    The Thousand Junior helmet fits head circumference sizes of 49-53 cm (XS size).

    If your child’s head size is closer to 54 cm or higher, you will want to look at the small adult helmets instead. Thousand recommends their Jr. helmets for riders ages 5-11.

    The helmet is a favourite because it offers increased ventilation for added comfort.


    The Thousand added six long vertical vents to increase airflow for the kid’s helmet. It also has an adjustable dial fit system and uses a dial in the back that allows you to make sure your child’s helmet fits snugly and comfortably.

    The no-pinch magnetic buckle is one of the best features. It might take your child a few practice attempts to get the hang of the magnetic closure, but they will love no longer fearing the pinch of a traditional buckle. The buckle can also be removed with one hand, and we love that magnetic buckles are found on all Thousand helmets.


    As far as safety goes, these helmets are CPSC, ASTM, and CE certified for biking, roller skating, and skateboarding in the US and Europe.

    If safety and style are equally important to you, the Thousand Jr. helmet offers loads of fun and exciting colours with matching kids bike bells as well as adult helmets with the same styling. So you can really create a stylish colour combo.

    Nutcase Street Helmet – for kids that are real daredevils

    This helmet is perfect for kids that are real daredevils on their electric scooters and don’t always stick to the path.

    It’s the ideal helmet for e-scooters, BMX, and skateboards. It tops every list due to its solid construction, which easily withstands the inevitable tosses to the ground.


    They come in a wide variety of excellent graphics that kids of all ages appreciate and are even available with MIPS (multi-directional impact protection system), which adds an extra layer of protection.


    Other fantastic features include eleven air vents, a dial fit system with three sets of foam pads to help customise the fit and 360-degree reflectivity so no one will miss them. It’s available in different sizes for toddlers, kids, and preteens.

    Triple Eight’s Certified Sweat saver helmet – best for safety and sweaty heads

    This is an excellent helmet if your kid is on their e-scooter for long hours in the summer and sweats a lot.

    The absorbent terry cloth lining will absorb all the sweat and keep their head cool too. This helmet is also great for skateboarding to double up for both electric scooters and skateboards.

    The internal padding is soft and thick, covered in a super absorbent terrycloth which can be removed and washed as needed, and the outer shell is impressively durable. It meets both CPSC standards for safe biking and ASTM F-1492 skate safety standards, so it’s perfect for multi-use.

    Our pick of best kids knee and elbow pads

    Simply Kids knee and elbow pad set – good all-round

    With long velcro straps that attach anywhere to the velcro on the pad, the Simply Kids knee and elbow pads are easy to tighten or loosen for the perfect fit for your child.

    The fabric and pads are breathable and soft, making them fit more naturally than cheaper pads.

    The open back is a bonus in the summertime, leading to less sweat and a cooler ride. As a result, kids are less likely to want to take them off. You can also pair your knee pads and elbow pads with riding gloves or motorcycle gloves, which will keep your child’s hands warm.

    Outdoor Master knee and elbow pad set – great cushioning

    These sturdy pads by Outdoor Master offer significantly better quality and performance than other generic pad sets.

    Two things make them better than your average hardshell bike and skate pads.

    They offer a really great fit. With an enclosed sleeve, even 3-year-olds can put them on by themselves. The additional tightening straps are just the right length, so there isn’t any excess strap hanging loose and dangling.

    Secondly, The Outdoor Master pads have more cushioning than average. The primary drawback to these pads is that knees and elbows get sweatier in the summer because they aren’t open in the back.

    Strider knee and elbow pad set

    After the success of the Strider Balance Bike, Strider set out to create a quality protective pad set that fits young riders. These Strider pads are the best investment for toddlers and smaller kids.

    Coming standard with two sets of pads, the smaller set of pads can be used as knee pads first. As kids grow bigger, that smaller set can be converted into elbow pads, and the larger set can then be used as knee pads.

    Triple 8 Little Tricky and Saver series

    Well-designed for the price, Triple 8 pads come in two different sizes for young and older child riders. Wide straps help secure the pads to knees and elbows, and full coverage pads provide solid protection while flexing with movement.

    While hardshell pads aren’t needed for neighbourhood bikers, they are necessary for sliding to bail out a skateboard trick. If your child bikes and skates and you want just one set of pads, these Triple 8 are your best bet.

    The pads also come with a wrist guard that is a fantastic bonus to have if your child will be rollerblading or skateboarding in addition to biking.

    The best visibility vests for kids

    While not the coolest-looking electric scooter accessories out there, a reflective safety vest is one of the best ways to stay safe on your electric scooter. Just slip it on over whatever you’re wearing. You will be more visible to cars and anyone else on the road. If you’re riding in a busy area, a safety vest could save your child’s life.

    Hey Reflect’o kids vests

    This brand makes fun, eco-friendly high visibility safety vests for ten years old and up. They are breathable, lightweight and will make sure you stand out in a fun way. You can order them online at Hey Reflect’o

    KidsHiVis vests

    Kidshivis specialise in children’s high visibility vests and stock sizes from 1 year old all the way up to 12 years. You can order them online at KidsHiVis.

    Fun lights for kids electric scooters

    Don’t forget the all-important lights. Most electric scooters come with headlights and rear lights, but they usually offer poor lighting, especially if your e-scooter isn’t high-end, so make sure you buy a decent electric scooter with good lighting.

    Getting an extra front light is a brilliant move for additional visibility.

    They are made for bikes, but they work for scooters, too. They come in handy early in the morning when visibility is low and then again in the afternoon as the sun is setting. They are an essential electric scooter accessory. For fun, kids can also put reflective stickers on their electric scooters.

    Help young ones find their way home with Knog Frog Light Strobes. They attach right to an electric scooter handlebar, and come in 11 different colours, and look fabulous while providing some necessary light during dusk.


    The much-needed bell


    When your kids are riding their electric scooter, they should have a bell to let pedestrians, bikers, and other electric scooter riders know when they are approaching.

    There are a few types, like modern bells, horns, and electric bells.

    What matters most is how the bell sounds. Each one sounds a little different, so it’s up to you what tone you like best. No matter what you choose, the bell should be clear and loud, so people actually hear it. However, louder isn’t always better. Deafening bells can startle people.

    Mirrycle Incredibell Brass Duet Bicycle Bell

    Hear them coming round the bend with Mirrycle Incredibell Brass Duet Bicycle Bells. Available in seven colours, one’s sure to be your kids favourite! Now that you have the best electric scooter accessories list, you can ensure your kid will be well kitted out with the best safety accessories and ready to ride.

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